Bembel-B Blog


Scrobbling Everywhere All the Time

I must confess I’ve become quite a fanboy. :) So what would be more important than keeping track of as much music playing as possible. Scrobbling the plays of my PC audioplayer Amarok and Foobar2000 ain’t that spectacular, but feeding statistics of my mobile MP3 Player SanDisk Sansa e200 and my stand-alone player Pinnacle SoundBridge HomeMusic (licensed by Roku) I consider being more of that Social Music Revolution

Scrobbling Sansa e200 with Rockbox

Precondition is using the great alternative Firmware Rockbox. It already has the Audioscrobbler logging built in. To submit the logs I use the PC application QTScrobbler under Linux (and occasionally Windows). That’s very easy and convenient. Just be sure to set your Sansa’s clock somewhat correct.

Scrobbling SoundBridge with Firefly Mediaserver

To gain access to my whole music collection without having a PC running, I’m using the fine Linksys NSLU2 NAS running the Firefly Mediaserver (aka. mt-daapd) with a cheapo 160 GB USB HDD (Storage) and a 2 GB USB Flash Drive (OS) attached. I’ve had a working setup using the alternative NSLU2 firmware Unslung, but soon switched to Debian ARM, for its greater versatility and more straight forward configuration.

I’ll write more detailed posts on the NSLU2 soon, especially regarding Firefly and fixed-point Transcoding and Radio. But for now a quick overview on the setup, which should be possible on other platforms and for any streaming client too.

I obtained the Firefly Mediaserver prebuilt from the Firefly website. Installation is quite easy and well documented.

Submission to is done by the Python application Lastfmsubmitd. As the name suggests it’s a daemon permanently waiting for data to be submitted. That data is gathered from text files placed e.g. in /var/spool/lastfm. Under Unslung I had to manually install it from source (python install), and for Debian it’s in the apt repo (but I built a deb package of the recent version found in Debian unstable).

Creating the data files is done periodically by a shell script based on what I found in the Firefly Forum. It’s run every 5 minutes by cron and queries the “last played field” of Firefly’s collection database and outputs results to Lastfmsubmitd’s spool directory.
That’s my current shell script (converting GMT+1 timestamps to UTC by substracting 3600 seconds):


# fetch newly played songs from fireflydb and write
# into lastfmsubmitd readable format

# config

# get last run time
if [ -e "$LASTFILE" ]

# get last database file date
if [ -e "$DBLSFILE" ]

# exit when database file unchanged
if [ "$DBLSRUN" == "$DBLSNOW" ]

# log file date

# query database
OUTFILE=$(mktemp "$TMPDIR"/mt-daapd-XXXXXXXX)
"$SQLITE" "$DATABASE" 'SELECT artist,album,title,track,song_length,time_played FROM songs where time_played > '"$LASTRUN"' ORDER BY time_played ASC;' | gawk -F '|' '{ printf "---\nartist: \"%s\"\nalbum: \"%s\"\ntitle: \"%s\"\ntrack: %s\nlength: %d\ntime: !timestamp %s\n",$1,$2,$3,$4,$5/1000,strftime("%Y-%m-%d %T",$6-3600) }' > "$OUTFILE"

# place non-zero result into spool, else drop file
if [ -s "$OUTFILE" ]
  chmod 664 "$OUTFILE"
  rm "$OUTFILE"

# log query date
echo "LASTRUN="`date +%s` > "$LASTFILE"

Downside of this solution is, Firefly will only consider a track as played, if it has been completely and continuously been played. So skipping or pausing a track will cause it to not be submitted.
Also there’s no separation between Podcasts and the rest of my music collection. What I haven’t tried yet, is the behaviour when playing web radio via Firefly playlists, as I do all radio streaming directly through the SoundBridge user interface.
To iron out the downsides using the same approach, the first one would need changes to the Firefly code I guess, the others could probably be fixed modifying the shell script.

1 Comment »

  1. Cool, just tried this and it worked brilliantly for me. Thanks for the write-up!

    Comment by Andrew Ferrier — 2008/08/29 @ 14:39 | Reply

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